Saturday, July 7, 2012


Did I mention that crafting includes food, to me? Well it does. But only desserts because those are optional and therefore something of an artform.

Today, on day 4 of my month long challenge, I made ice cream (I made sorbet earlier in the week, but not as part of the challenge).
 I think the flavor I made is something like hazelnut mocha.
This is a very experimental recipe. I'm sort of low on essential ingredients so I got creative. I found a recipe for Nutella philly-style icecream (that means egg free...I had no eggs!) but had to alter the ingredients because I didn't have many of them. In the end, I ended up using a lot of heavy cream, chocolate, and turkish coffee (because it was there). I only tasted the mixture after boiling everything together and it was awesome. Like a mocha latte, but creamy and thick. I can't wait until it's done setting up in the freezer. Hopefully it's a success. This picture is after going through the ice cream maker. It's sort of like a slightly melted softserve. I may have to chill my recipes a bit longer it seems because this one didn't want to freeze. I'm sure it doesn't help that it's about 75* F in the kitchen or more.

Update July 8. I tried this icecream this morning after allowing it to fully freeze and oh my goodness it's sooooo good. It's really creamy and delicious. Yum. Great recipe!

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