Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A string or two

I made this when I was at home last week, with my crafting supplies. I think on my next visit I should pick up my supplies, but eh...I don't really have much time for it here. The semester has started, I expect my homework load to pick up.
But enough of is what I made.
It is...I am not really sure what you'd call it. Just a bunch of metallic ribbons stuck to a dowel. And beads on them. I wish I had more beads on it...but I didn't have large ones. I had tons of teeny tiny, gorgeous beads. But alas, my larger beads were dull and bluh.

But here it is...oh so easy to make.

I think I will start quilting again. My posts will continue to be and there, but I will return again with updates, and perhaps quilts. Maybe a tutorial or two!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Alright, finally finally I remembered to upload this picture. So these are some of the patches that I made for a get-together a few weeks ago, Called Gladiator Guild of Water Doom. A group of friends (whom I met through my good friend) have this thing every year where they joust in a pool. Super fun, super awesome and hilarious to watch. And she said they might need some extra prizes so I whipped these up in a day when I was free to do so. :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I apologize...

...I am a slacky blogger.

I never finished my month-long challenge. I came close. But no! I didn't do it. Time flew by fast and everything got busy. I moved recently, so I have been occupied with getting all settled into my new place and getting to know the city.

I made a bunch of patches for some ...erm..sporting event? Sort of...basically just a backyard get-together. I will post pictures of those as soon as I have access to my camera again.

I will try to update once in a while and do a craft, but I am not in a living situation that allows for wild amounts of crafting anymore. My summer vacation came and went. Now I have real world responsibilities. In a whole new place. It's compounded stress!

I can do some small projects here and there. So here is a message to myself: Keep crafting, missy. You need to do something stimulating outside of school and work once in a while.