Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Cards

So I am still waiting for some people to receive the cards I made them, but here are two of the cards that were received.

These are cards that are meant for watercolor, but I used water pastels and ink to draw on them.

This card:

She absolutely loved, which is awesome, because I am happy with how it turned out. If you can't tell, it's Nessy (in a Santa hat) and a man in a rowboat. :P I wish I could have gotten the water to look more animated, but I have no idea how to even draw water.

This is the card that started it all. My friend and I were just chatting and throwing brilliance around (as always) and I just wanted to make absurd Christmas cards. She suggested something off the top of her head, a baboon with a Santa hat and elf shoes...and this was born:

It just makes me laugh. It was a lot of fun to draw. It took quite a few sketches because I had no idea how to draw a baboon--it sort of just looks like it has a dog body. Oh drawing style has always been on the cartoonish side either way. The person I sent it to was not fond of it at all, which really bummed me out because I thought they would find it funny as well. But not everything is going to be a winner. I suppose my sense of humor is just weird. ah well.

Look forward to seeing more of my Christmas crafts as people get them!

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