Sunday, February 24, 2013

Galaxy Nails!

Crafting doesn't always have to be done with random objects :)

I painted my nails to look like the galaxy after being inspired by a few youtube tutorials on it (searchy searchy...there are quite a few that are awesome). I only had limited colors so I did one with pink and blue and glitter, but I really like how it came out. Perhaps nail art will be done more often.

The flash takes away some of the glitter and that's what makes them look so cool, but here it is:
Close up of my thumb:

Monday, February 11, 2013

Scarf number ONE! Finished

Yay. It only took about 2 months :P But I finally finished my first knitting project ever. A 50 inch long scarf with long fringe.

I followed the pattern exactly, but in my opinion it's way too short for me as  a scarf. I like them really long. But I am excited to have finished a project.

I am working on an embroidery also and started another knitting project. Trying trying trying to keep up with crafting and university. :)